This is it. The gateway to countless hours of dope packed audio and video.

Erobique [video]


This video file cannot be played.(Error Code: 102630)



  1. Pretty neat (o:

  2. nice nice, very nice :o) i really enjoyed listening your set! leider sind in deinem tourplan keine termine im raum rostock zu entnehmen. wäre echt schön dich hier mal live zu erleben!

  3. Wheeeehay-UP! Dis kep moi up fonkin’ ALL night long…girlfren up an shakin’ ass too…2-o-freakin’ a.m. so had to chill, landlady be-yatchin’…definitely erobique workOUT! Diggin’ Stevie Wondah-slappin’ organ too! Betalounge rules past Pluto! (now exhale)

  4. I love this guy, such funky synthed-up music. I must say that the beats are much better on this set than his previous one. Nice.

  5. This guy is my new favotite artist. Does he release any albums that I can buy in the States?

  6. Great set – anyone know what the slow building track starting with strings at 1:53 is? Fantastic track.

  7. @tsyle
    look at ebay, dont know if any albums where released in the states.

    Erosound /
    Keil Stondcil a Paris

    and expecially the part of 2003, 2004, 2005 at the betalounge 🙂

  8. @tsyle
    erobique (carsten meyer) is also a member of international pony
    you can find their great debut album on, next album will be released shortly

  9. A comment to the beta guys:
    its becoming a boring habbit to host the same djs over & over again
    i guess there are no outside visitors at the moment because of the weather in hamburg, well
    nothing to do about.
    hope to hear some fresh talents soon…otherwise these senior djs will make me change the webstation for good

  10. Oh c’mon, cut the crap. This might be Erobique’s second time on te BL. And Carsten is still soooo young and fresh, that he can be count as a talent!

  11. @psyreactor: damn! senior dj’s and no freshness in sight! listen, it’s erobique’s fourth live set on beta lounge and he’ll be doing the last show of each year until the end of time. it’s an overused phrase but in the end of the day there’s just good music and bad music. there will be plenty of artists who have played here before on forthcoming shows as well as many others who haven’t so far. if you don’t like that fair enough but how about some respect for a change? your comments have shown more than once that you don’t have any idea what we are about. please feel free to change station for good. we won’t miss you for sure.

  12. @psyreactor:

    aren’t the senior djs the reason you tuned in to begin with? now you’re biting the hand that feeds you all this music…for free, no less.

    you are entitled to your opinion, but i don’t have to agree with it.

    SF loves the BL!!!

  13. der typ hat dermassen den funk im arsch….
    …mehr davon!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Just started listeningto this set. Love this dude. Love that opening ‘working mans cabaret act’ tune, then it just gets better with some nice soulful breaks.

    And these video mixes are getting better each time.


  15. Love the sound, love the snow………love the show.

  16. (new to BL here)

    great keyboard skillz, he’s literally rockin’ the stage! video’s super fresh too. senior level soundz pretty official. half funk, half disco, half electro, and more. keepin’ it reeel… wish i cuda been there. thx guys!

    hopefully my roomate will tranzlate the german 4 me.

  17. got half way through this and realised that i had been eating a kebab by inserting it … know what i mean… turns ya inside out kinda… dig that garlic sauce and tzatziki…

  18. @Dixon:
    Erobique war am 10.2. im Momo in Rostock… Ich weiß ja jetzt nicht ob er das Date extra eingerichtet hat weil du danach gefragt hast… War wirklich unterhaltsam, aber ein bissl zu kurz.
    Bis später!

  19. Welch ein bunt gemischter Strauss voll erquickender Melodien. Danke.

  20. the video is sooo fantastic and the maker obviously feels the lovely music. Check this out!!!

  21. Still my choice for rainy days in North London……anyone think there might be room for a Beta Forum?

    Defo get my vote.

    Beta Forum…make your vote.

  22. @kaipirinhia: der arsch von erobique ist auch gross genug damit er ausreichend funk hat, spass beiseite, der kerl ist einfach wahnsinn, wie freue ich mich auf das neue album von i.p.

  23. Wie ein guter Wein… mit dem Alter wird er immer besser!


  24. @schakai
    shit, das muss irgendwie an mir vorbei gegangen sein…oh mann 🙁

  25. Das “pony album” ist in schon am hinteren Ende der Pipeline. “Mit Dir sind wir vier”
    Solange gibt es unter

    noch gepflegte Tanzmusik vom Meister


  26. This guy is fantastic, great ideas in his sound. More please.

    Dean Pinnington. London.

  27. bald isses wieder soweit!!!

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