This is it. The gateway to countless hours of dope packed audio and video.



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(Teardrops/Dessous/Winding Road…)


  1. Curious who the Japanese artist is at 22:22 about mid way through the set? Very cool to to hear Japanese mixed in with the likes of Michelle Shocked, etc. Nice mellow set.

  2. Really enjoying this session – So many great artists, nice and relaxing groove. Not a typical BL session… Thx

  3. different and enjoyable when waking up-hello

  4. so sweet, lovin this wheat song 🙂

  5. who does the wonderwall cover @ around 25 mins? Really lovely.

  6. Lovely set!
    Nice and chilled…

  7. Very nice surprise. I didn\’t expect this flavor from this site. Great set! Any chance someone knows the song or artist for 37-42 minutes? Tough to understand the lyrics to look it up.

  8. can anyone please name the opening track?
    such a bitter sweet steel drum there! thanks you.

  9. 01. Gustav – Rettet Die Wale [Cargo]
    02. ID 3
    03. ID 6
    04. ID 8
    05. Eddie Meets Yannah – Solid Ground (Crazy P Remix) [Compost]
    06. ID 23
    07. Jimpster – Got A Hold On Your Soul [Freerange]
    08. ID 33
    09. ID 39
    10. Unknown – Fading (Vincenzo Remix)
    11. ID 52
    12. Audio Soul Project – Don\’t Sleep (Vincenzo Remix) [NRK Music]
    13. ID 67
    14. ID 74
    15. ID 82
    16. ID 87
    17. Session Victim – No Friends (No Power) [Real Soon]
    18. ID 99

  10. Can anyone tell us the rest of the tracks names?

  11. I remember to recognize Nada Surf (Concrete Ced), Wheats \”Don\’t I hold you\”, some Death Cab for Cutie songs and alot from The sea and the cake.

  12. track at 1:56:20 is

    Dolle Jolle – Balearic Incarnation (Todd Terjes Extra Doll mix)

  13. so not my style and so not what I would expect from betalounge and yet a superb, refreshing set.

    Thanks a gain betalounge, Grazie Vincenzo.

  14. I\’d love to know the title of the song at 58 mins if anyone has it.

    Vincenzo really surprised me with this one, but in the best way possible. An incredible and eclectic selection of acoustic-style tracks, followed up by some absolutely gorgeous beats…. thank you Vincenzo and the BetaLounge…

  15. @CyniC: The song you\’re looking for is Nada Surf – Concrete Bed

  16. I\’d love to know the track starting @ 1:51:01?


  17. Man, this is sweet…. the soundtrack to a sunny afternoon snoozing and smokin in your garden..

    demo – the Wonderwall cover is the one and only Ryan Adams. Much much better than the original!

    dlrecord – the Japanese track at 1:22 is (The) Happy End – Kaze o Atsumete … means \’gather the wind\’ … a beautiful song… look them up on Wikipedia

    This mix is a keeper!

  18. cool set!!
    what is playing @ 00:40:00??

  19. okan:

    this is \”foru corners\” by the sea and cake from there \”one bedroom\” lp

  20. definitly a very nice set.
    i enjoyed it a whole lot.

    thank you.


  21. 16:24min :: Death Cab For Cutie – I Will Possess Your Heart :: i love this track !

    DANKE Vinni

  22. @ 00:46:14 José González – Crosses

    Absolutely stunning mix from Vincenzo ! :o)

  23. love this set.. a nice change of gears..a soundtrack for sipping a coffee on a wet foggy westcoast day..appreciating the sounds of real guitar and voice. thx.

  24. Stunning set 🙂 soul-warming

  25. Just listening to the track at 2:31 with the distorted vocal….. any ideas what it is?

    Very nice set…..thanks Vincenzo.

  26. 1. ID
    2. ID
    3. ID
    4. Zero 7 – Futures
    5. ID
    6. Sam Prekop – Something
    7. ID
    8. Death Cab For Cutie – I Will Possess Your Heart
    9. Ryan Adams – Wonderwall
    10. Archer Prewitt – Leaders
    11. ID
    12. Van Morrison – Sweet Thing
    13. The Sea and Cake – Four Corners
    14. Wheats – Don\’t I hold you
    15. José González – Crosses
    16. Ruckus – The Same In Any Language
    17. Lindsey Buckingham – Big Love
    18. Nada Surf – Concrete Bed
    19. ID
    20. Patty Griffin – Long Ride Home
    21. Michelle Shocked – Anchorage
    22. ID
    23. Archer Prewitt – Go Away
    24. ID
    25. The Shins – Caring Is Creepy
    26. Death Cab For Cutie – Title And Registration
    27. Happy End – Kaze Wo Atsumete
    28. ID
    29. ID
    30. ID
    31. Gustav – Rettet Die Wale [Cargo]
    32. ID
    33. ID
    34. Dolle Jolle – Balearic Incarnation (Todd Terje\’s Extra Døll Mix) [Permanent Vacation]
    35. Eddie Meets Yannah – Solid Ground (Crazy P Remix) [Compost]
    36. ID
    37. Jimpster – Got A Hold On Your Soul [Freerange]
    38. Tony Lionni – Deep Odyssey [Wave]
    39. Ian Pooley – Closer (Remix) [Pooled]
    40. Theodor Zox – Fading (Vincenzo Remix) [Ransom Note]
    41. ID
    42. Audio Soul Project – Don\’t Sleep (Vincenzo Remix) [NRK Music]
    43. ID
    44. ID
    45. UBQ Project feat. Kathy Summers – When I Fell N Luv [House N Effect]
    46. ID
    47. Session Victim – No Friends (No Power) [Real Soon]
    48. ID

  27. Guys, nice set! Anyone has track ID for 1:55? tx

  28. I too am very interested in know what the first two tracks might be. The steel drums, they are dreamy.

  29. back to this decentset after a long time. nothing more to say…

  30. gosh, what a beautiful selection of music…heartwarming! neeeed the id of the first two songs (the steel drumm-ish intro and the track aferwards) – anyone, c´mon! thx in advance 🙂

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