This is it. The gateway to countless hours of dope packed audio and video.

Al Haca Soundsystem


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  1. ey alta, fetter sound hier oder was, Al Haccarrrrr, big time folks, big time…

  2. where are di fottos;)

  3. ey yo mann, danke!

  4. boom ya… I’m still inna vienna… more madness torque style comin up. stereotyp x al-haca x rqm x precious = torque…

  5. Fat modern Basslife explanations… Tight sneakers …

  6. hey!
    Yo man! Mix very nice!!!! Very BEST!!!!

  7. yoyo.. givin’ props where props iz due.. RQM ’tis thee dope floeologist.. comin’round with d insanity and the dubtastik riddum slangs..


  8. hail

    can anyone help me, whats the name of the track played at approx 32.40, dark, base heavy beat ?

    excellent set AL-haca

    cheers Fin

  9. re: track search: gotta check…let u know fin. gotta love it

  10. A to the L-HACA in da hizzzzou!

  11. delicious … just that kind of chill to da bone kinda beats that i need after my electro shock therapy.. making the screaming babies go away .. make them go away…

    back to touching myself in the corner with the beats.. chilled out style..

  12. Wow…. great mix…..

  13. u people might wanna check our myspace account 2 : cool friendz n stuff 2 find there…gotta love it.
    merry bass xxx mas 2 all a ya

  14. One of the best soundtracks I’ve heard here. Deep, down and dirty.

  15. yeah, that´s us! good times – nice pictures

  16. CLASS A!


  17. gotta be one of my favorite sets i’ve ever heard!! wonderful, upbeat, incredibly well blended. RESPEKT!!!! oh yeah…. F G.Bush!

  18. tight! almost 3 years later and still sounding fresh

  19. Future sound from the past. Mad love to Cee and Stereo.

    (( Kia ora ))

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