This is it. The gateway to countless hours of dope packed audio and video.

Daughter Erben [video]


This video file cannot be played.(Error Code: 102630)




  1. Ahhhh!!!!! beatiful mix. Perfect for this winter afternoon. My hangover is gone!
    Thanks Daughter Erben
    Thanks Beta lounge

  2. A cold draft of sadness can bring on madness and melodies
    gladly removing thoughts of anxiety
    the rises in the heads of a lost society
    an ocean tranquilty drawns the guilty
    insired by this set I go back into the music not to arive anywhere but to be already there

  3. helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeveryone.

  4. Can you please say what the track is starting @ 48:45? Its beautiful and haunting and I’d love to purchase it.

  5. ahh, nice to see member of girlzklub back on betalounge, Daughter Erden, hi there.
    How r ya?. Some of your performance you sent me is on the magazine the gig you did in July 22nd.
    I wil have to send a copy when a i have some money in a few weeks

    If you want to have a look i have a magazine page on myspace as well as my site

    fine set, as always

  6. Sounds great but where is the video?
    I seem to be having streaming problems, crashing safari, lots of drop outs, I’m guessing it’s local.
    Anybody else experience similar issues? Or is it betalounge servers?

  7. agreed–good stuff but no video here either and dropouts galore. a good 33 degree snowy Sunday in NYC kinda mix though…its what winter was made for.

  8. А что у Вас видео не проигрывается?

  9. Саша!!! ты про этот микс говорил?

  10. Да!!! Кстати!!! Саша!!!!с Днем Рождения Тебя!!!!Мы любим тебя!!!

  11. братки не в курсах…

  12. ìêć!! ëԇÒËË·Ó!! ч Á‰?‡‚ÒڂÛÂÚ ÑӘ͇ ù?·ÂÌÌ!

  13. Danke für Turner!!

  14. 4e за непонятки yo

  15. Hello I’m listening the mix, it’s very good, I would like to know what is the tune at 2:16:00, love the piano on it.
    See ya & nice one Daughter Erben

  16. And what is the tune at 2:50:00… : o

  17. Thank you Miss Erben for this excellent selection of soulkiller tracks. Thanks a lot.

  18. Yipee Video! Loving it! This is what Sundays were made for.
    Big ups Betalounge for more VJ sets

  19. ha visual and audio… blow your senses, your mind and your crotch.. excellent news..

  20. hej out there,

    thanks a lot for all the praises! 🙂
    about your requested tracks: to keithmic, 48.45 is, yes, from Depeche Mode ‘Goodnight lovers’
    to lediplomate, 2.16 is Shinedoe’s ‘Phunk’, 2.50 is good ol’ Reinhardt Voigt with ‘Robson Ponte’.
    hope it helped,
    enjoy the music
    and the visuals,


  21. As ever, you are truly a wonderful and lovely magician…
    Bless you

  22. Trippin My Brains Out In Las Vegas…. Nice!

  23. won doughter ful! vj rocks! nice nice nice…

  24. Really nice set. Can anyone identify the track coming in at 1:41:30, ‘every time I try to look into your eyes…’

  25. Thank’s Daughter for the info…
    Have a nice day.

  26. Wonderful mix – thank you!

    Do you have the name of the track 05:45 – 09:15?

    Will check out the website.

    Love & respect, Paul.

  27. dear paul,

    the wonderful track you’re in love with is from the kompakt ‘pop ambient 2006’ compilation,
    it’s ulf lohmann ‘burning bright’.

    enjoy the music,
    greetz daughter

  28. sehr schön, fräulein erben. weitermachen, damit die hamburger schitbüddels un deerns die haxen weiterhin nicht ruhig halten können.
    In diesem Sinne:
    Danz op de Deel, Daughter!

  29. !!!woooow… das set up und der video mix sind der hammer 🙂
    kennt jemand den track (beim videomix) ab 56:30???

  30. hej ilovebondi,

    der track ist von den isley brothers, ‘love the one you’re with’
    tolles stück…
    beste grüße

  31. hi daughter,
    ja 1000x dank für die song-info !!!! 🙂

    (kannste mir evtl. auch noch verraten, wo immer die betalounge’parties’ stattfinden- in der hamburger botschaft oder in der tanzhalle st. pauli??? ich versuch das jetzt schon seit einiger zeit heraus zufinden, aber leider immer ohne erfolg…)

    lg falko

  32. frankfurter botschaft; sternstr.67; 20357 good old hamburg

  33. I listen your set again Daughter, it’s so nice, I love the start.
    That’s all I wanna to say, bravo.

  34. awsome set, love it

  35. geht ab die musik, schoener bunter minimal mix .. visuals sind auch sehr cool!
    darf man erfahren was das fuer eine song ist bei 1.41 .. ‘every time I try to look into your eyes’ .. freaky .. danke

  36. very nice Ritchie track @ 2:22….

    Ryan Swayze ….im from Ontario Canada.. Been to many ritchie parties .. in ontario.. and Detriot.. even his first live Plastikman performance @ GM warehouse.. SPASTIK…

    i live in Niagara falls now.. and run a screenprint shop all by myself

    excellent set D.E….. u and your crew of Girlz are fantastik.. keep on keepin on..

    met MCC and RQM from AL-haca in NYC last halloween.. great guys..


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