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Palermo’s Birthday Bash


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this is a little surprise dj-bash for our very own nico palermo. we invited some friends of the crew to play some tunes for him that afternoon to celebrate his 33rd birthday. der vadder, oke goettlich, dj dsl’s daughter emma & her boyfriend paul (both 5 years old…), doreen, florett, oke (assoto sounds) and constantin groll joined the session. nice one!


  1. Bouncin’ around between sets, hairy1 all jazzed on a snowcone and baby wit da rum’n’cokes lookin’ fine in her fuzzy jammies….all stritched out here in blissville, diggin’ da old soul, Marvin Gaye goin’ into da reggae, now dats da sheeeeit, baby! M’gonna toke’n’teff deeeeeply fo sum mo!

  2. YEa about 1 hour into the set things start to get moving. Pretty chilled out till then i like them Birthdays…

  3. sad Birthday Set …..sorry!

  4. hey happy bday … i got so excited with this set that i blew MY OWN candle out! yeehaa! gotta keep flexible for sets like these! awesome chills n spills to help you bend and stretch and help a groovy flexy brother out…

  5. great set.
    anyone have the setlist for this?

  6. whats the JayZ song?

  7. What is the jazz song at about 18 mins into the set? Can we get a playlist please!

  8. it is really great, example of eclectic combination that served in the stream kicks off.

  9. any clues on that first latin track that comes in about 4:30???

  10. I would wormly recommend this set to all that like listening to the music while working. The whole set is kind of similiar to the begining of the last Rainer Truby’s set. Very mellow leffield music. I would laso like to know the brazilian song in the begining if someone can help? Cheers to all of you!

  11. that latin song in the beginning is indeed the sh*t !!! i also would like to know by who it is… but it seems like nobody knows…
    what a pity

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