This is it. The gateway to countless hours of dope packed audio and video.

Ralf 10/100


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  1. gott sei dank! elektronische himmel! viel grusse aus kalifornia.

    us poor bastards from the soulless US will miss you over the summer.

  2. the first set von ralf is totally annoying, the style is super old and he plays always the same shit over and over again. this sound is even in the oldfashion city hamburg totallly out.
    enugh is enugh

  3. minimal fuer arme
    funktioniert nur noch in den alten Bundesgebieten und vielleicht sogar noch in polen
    haut nicht vom hocker nicht mal ein track
    ich schmeiss mein atari jetzt heiss an und werde dem 10/100 ein demo zukommen lassen
    in 20 min gemacht…..

  4. so jetzt verstehe ich
    die beiden ralf und anton
    gingen frueher in den gleichen Kindergarten////?????
    glaub schon

  5. @psyreactor
    mein Geschmack ist nun auch nicht immer deckungsgleich, mit dem der beiden Herren hier, aber Du klingst wie ein beleidigtes Kleinkind, der hier ganz offensichtlich auf peinlichste Art persönliche Differenzen austragen will. Alle Achtung, hat echt Stil, hinter nem Nick versteckt so das Maul aufzureißen.
    Kratzt sicherlich schwer am Ego, daß außerhalb Deines Schlafzimmers noch kein Mensch Dich an die Plattenteller lassen wollte ( oder deine Atari-Ergüsse zur Kenntniss genommen hat ). Bin aber Deinem Nick nach zu urteilen auch äußerst erleichtert darüber – da muß man ja das Übelste vermuten!

  6. der burschi!!!!

  7. its amazing how exciting repetitive beats can be.. ralfy.. you have the knack.. the robots are coming.. oh god. save me.. the robots.. robots.. aaaargh!

    phew.. it was just ralfy.. i give you more than 10/100

  8. i dissagree, i really like this sound deep minimal techy beats, music doesent get old you ethier like it or you dont doesent matter where or when it came from.

    great set

  9. Yep. Pretty boring.

  10. dont mix nicknames with musical backgrounds
    and where music is being played freedom of speach rules
    be happy
    dont assume
    just accept

    thats the magic


  11. my discography you can find @
    plus various compilations worldwide under lounge electronica,easy listening and acid jazz
    soundassistaenz for groups such as depeche mode enigma tangerine dream and cocteau twins Galliano. did i do something wrong with writing down my opinion????
    no democracy anymore?

    everyone wants to hear only good compliments
    but the bad ones are the most truefulls ones

  12. @psyreactor

    ließ richtig: es ging mir nicht um Kritik an sich, sonder um die unsachliche, spätpupertäre Art Deiner Beiträge.

    ich zitier nochmals zur Erinnerung:

    -so jetzt verstehe ich
    die beiden ralf und anton
    gingen frueher in den gleichen Kindergarten////?????
    glaub schon

    – minimal für arme

  13. @constantin
    ich entschuldige
    mich mehrmals
    fuer das Verhalten eines teenies

  14. what is the song at 1:56:30ish with the female vocals? i know these questions can sometimes be difficult or annoying, but some ofyou may know what’s up…



    ps. we must remember that different beats make different people feel different things in particular situations. some of us use betalounge to work, some to enjoy an evening drink with friends… all in all, not being super versed in the minimal beats, this set isn’t that bad…

  15. @emboaba: Roisin Murphy von Moloko

  16. Can someone tell me the name of the dubby track playing at 13 minutes into the mix?

    I really enjoyed this set… Good Music is good music regardless of when it was made.

    Chris (From my soulful corner of Pittsburgh PA, USA)

  17. @emboaba, if you liked the voice and tune arounf 01:56:00, maybe you also like MATTHEW HERBERT and all his work:


  18. track at min 13 is by studio pankow on source rec.

  19. some vocals and/or oriental vibes mixed in would be really great, eg digeridoo, sitar, flamenco.

  20. I / we really like a lot of the stuff that you have played Ralf 10/100.
    As a program manager for a net based radio show for the last four years, ( based in the uk ) im always on the look out for musical sets as good as this. In fact id like to book you to come and play on the show if you could get in contact


    Jim West

  21. Hallo,
    solche schicken guten wunderschönen Sets gibt es auf der (trotzdem genialen) Lounge leider nur noch wenige. Oder ich bin einfach altmodisch elektronisch. Ja. Genial. Danke.

  22. @psyreactor

    any music I haven’t heard before is new to me, so I really don’t care how old it is, all I care is if it touches me. I ralf is playing the same set over and over, then he’s not so interesting, right you are. but this is the first time I’ve heard him , and I’m lovin it…

  23. wikkid this set is…I especially dig the Moloko track…..right on right on right the phuck on!!!!

  24. great mix Ralf.

    I’ve been exploring new sounds in my deep house experiences since 2002/3 when i first listenned to your mixes together with carsten yost an m.mayer @ hamburg sessions.

    this mixes are a true journey, a new dimension..

    peace, ezy fischel

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