This is it. The gateway to countless hours of dope packed audio and video.

Serafin, Henry & Harre


This video file cannot be played.(Error Code: 102630)


  1. deep and beautiful music.

  2. deep, minimal techy trip excellent

  3. ok. Tune at 1:37/8. Any ideas… anyone…
    Sets growing on me as it happens.

  4. nice deep minimal set!! great!

  5. Great show from Harre & Henry, Serafin .Big respect to click . Wonderful selection of music Malta is folowing you 🙂

    Brian James

  6. da bleibts schwierig stillzusitzen. das set hat mich durch den halben tag getragen. danke man. einfach sensationell.

  7. Aye, is very nice

  8. I’d like to say thanks for the props !
    was great to play there again…
    have to listen again to find out the tune @ 01:37


  9. C’est tres magnifique!……..

  10. the tune @ 01.37/38 is:
    WEI CHI – Faces & Places (Henrik Schwarz Remix) on munichs Compost records


  11. …es una fantastica sesion de texturas mimimal.oskis escuscha!! je je

  12. I had great expectations for the dj set from Henry & Harre.
    It was (again) superb, they realy belong to the (small) group of dj’s who have a good symbiosis of excellent music choice and mixingskills.
    I have one question for them? Where do they buy there vinyls?
    The set of serafin whas in the same order of Henry & harre: Excellent!!!

    Like the christians who has Lourdes and the muslims who has Mekka, the click and minimal believers has also a place of pilgrimage: the Click Residence and the betalounge location in Hamburg!!!


  13. Its really a time where there’s nothing except names names names in minimal music. So many names, so little depth and quality. However Henry and Harre continue to set the tempo in a more than sophisticated manner, totally ignoring crap and mediocrity. Nothing but props to the amazing Click duo.

  14. I am always very excited to see Henry & Harre’s names listed next to sets. I am very impressed with both of their past, and current selections and will look forward to all of thier future installments. If anyone is just listening to them now for the first time, venture back in time through the betalounge sets and listen to thier previous sets! All of them are top notch listening journies. Someone asked where they get their records below…look towards Detroit! Thier sound selections are definitely similar to what you hear coming out of detroit.

    Harre and Henry, keep playing the amazing selections!

    I hope I can visit the Click club one day.


  15. i am so glad that minimalist sets can touch me as erotically as this one.. i was hanging to go toe to toe with my appendage.. this set the mood and kept me going.. much thanks to all of you who played on this set.. this was a night with a warm glass of water and a bar of soap that i will never forget…

  16. -= help me out with the tunes on around 2:00h =-
    who is it… i love this number….

    Thanks betaloungaz

  17. any idea for the track around 15 min ?
    thanks for this great minimal mix.

  18. another dope mix byHenry and Harre. These guys really dig deep, and I am feeling it. VERY NICE! When are you guys going to get Lawrence and Carsten Jost back on the show????? Love from L.A.

  19. wow… love the vocals at 2:02

  20. Wow,wow,wow, it’s so nice to listen this Set! I love it!

    Thx to all the Dj’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Beta Lounge Rulz

  21. downtempo start – hairs on the back of my neck standing to attention – more like this please.

  22. Thank’s Henry&Harre for such lovely and kickin music. It feels like love when I listen to! Does anybody know the track starts @ 00:15:00…what a deep and sensual melody. I need this record…

    Thanks for help…
    Love to the world


  23. Just when I thought things couldn’t get better (just discovering Beta Lounge) I listen to this set and my faith in dance music is almost fully restored.
    Cheers Serafin, Henry & Harre your a class act.

    Wayne D

  24. arround 27min – dreamin ——– i love it

  25. This is such an amazing set. Thanx to all the dj’s for bringing us sound like this.

    i would die for a PLAYLIST from this set……

    cheers and greets
    fabian (zurich)

  26. track @ 24:00 – [logistic 042] james taylor – carthage milk – wagonlites

  27. track @ 03:46:30 – (itiswhatitis) v.a. – matthew jonson – freedom engine

  28. Anyone know the track at 1:13 with the vocals?

  29. i think i have that mattew johnson record ITISWHATITIS Vol. one with mike shannon on there 2…..
    his a buddy ov mine originally from ktown ontario canada he’s from montreal now and where in thee world he happens to be..
    for tshirts with your logo

  30. two shoes in the dryer @ 2hrs flat, but its just cuz i hear it that i mention.

    its been a fantastik set, i listened to another henry and harre no designation, it was great as well.

    awesome site great musik all round


  31. Does anyone know the name of the track that starts at 2:36:00?? So sweet!

    Awesome set!!

  32. What an awesome mix! Superb.
    Tracklistings of the first two tracks?

    Much appreciated, thanks.

  33. how do i record this set ?

  34. good question, has anyone figured out how to rip RAM (real) files instead of recording the analog output, this mix would fit nicely on my MP player… simply an exellent mix!

  35. to gilisans: Chardronnet – Superserious [musik046]

  36. man, I just can’t get enough of this mix, just exellent track after excellent track, been playing it in loop for the last two days.
    Anyone knows what is the track @ 3.42, just before track @ 03:46:30 – (itiswhatitis) v.a. – matthew jonson – freedom engine.

  37. to kais
    the track around 15 min is |NORKEN |SOUL STATIC BUREAU|BEAU MONDE
    i found it you can found it to

  38. thank you dadaz… amazing work


  39. To paulhighbury :
    The first two tracks are :

    1st track Label Main Street Title Round Four
    2nd track Label Threetone Artist : Subway

    To Dadaz : Great Job Mr Martin’s Father !!

  40. does anybody know the track around 1:16:00…? right after chardronnet-superserious

    thanks for help




  43. I am so lost in this; so if you are listening and find me, just give me a couple magnums of asti and I shall be fine … This is a brilliant place to get lost …

  44. need to know what track is playing ca. 50.00.. thanks.

  45. ..& around 1.33??

  46. This mix is fucking dope! Thanks.

  47. That`s probably the best set i ever heard..personal hometrainer…

  48. Damn im agry! The records are very full off good sound. espacially the record after 2 hours. Im fell in love with this record. Maybe someone has a name of that record.

    Thank you very much betalounge, great job!

  49. great set, fine music and mixes, for those who loved this i recommend Sonja Moonear sets at 😉
    oh yeah, and betalounge should get some sessions with Sonja Moonear and Dandy Jack, Juntion SM !

  50. alright this set totally grows on me around 2 hrs in. The tracks from 2:00 through 2:30 are amazing. Need to know those artists…

  51. what’s the track at 1:42:59?

  52. und der um 02:52:00 ist auch ein burner. was ist das?

  53. Great set!

    Anyone know the tune at 00:14:55 ?


  54. Serafin we want you to Saarbrücken ;-))) Excellent mix!

  55. great set. thank U guys.

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