This is it. The gateway to countless hours of dope packed audio and video.

Anton Silber


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  1. whow, this guy rocks. Exellent music, and great set

  2. This Is The Best Set I’ve Ever Listened To As Of Now

  3. great listening music great groovy sounds where can i get a CD of this? ROCKS!!!! More of the same PLEASE.

  4. oh man what a heavenly sound… Silber knows where’s the soul at… He inspired me to make this mixtape:


  5. All comments so far are right on… Great selection of tracks and great opening too

  6. j a z z ***digital********spass***

  7. Dammit Silber,

    Du hast ja schon Groupies!
    Ich schliesse mich den Groupies an – als Groupie Deluxe.


  8. Hello from Paris
    Exellent stuff , Thank You Anton Silber and Betalounge.
    I fall in love with the track start at 00h37′ If someone know its name it would be great.
    I think betalounge is the best electronic music on the net,
    i like also Boombox,, and Radioeins. If you know other good adress give it to me.

    Thank you again

  9. Hi Nobru,

    the track at 00:37 is ‘ Electrilogy: part 2. by Carl A. Finlow on devicerecordings num. 03’.

    ! T H A N K S T O E V E R Y B O D Y F O R T H E G R E A T F E E D B A C K !

    Keep on dancing…

  10. thank you for your reply- i just command it – The net is good for artists and music industrie !!!!!
    where can we listen to your music style? on the net? on CD? events?
    encore BRAVO

  11. very nice set. props

  12. very diverse, very nice.

  13. yo!

    please provide a setlist – this is awesome!!! (if its possible)..

    love from norway.

  14. Hi nadimjan,

    the gig is too far away. But I’ll try to remind.


    annother new idea about clubbing going on in hamburg.

  15. what’s the track at 1:06 very smooth and nice……..

  16. what’s the track at 34:00 ???

  17. My ass is bumpn in kentucky! keep it deep Anton! peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. ok -some mix a bit off-still bumpn set.

  19. hi robak,

    35:00 is from the early whitney ep, WHY? From the full length album OAKLANDAZULASYLUM on The track is called LADYFINGERZ. The ep appears in 2003. It’s simply a pearl !

    remeber all the vanished splendors and keep playing by heart!

    cheers anton.

  20. The best set here on betalounge by far.


    Cheers, Anton.

    Dave, South London

  21. hey anton,

    welcher track läuft um 59:00? schönes ding….

  22. und noch einer: 1:21 ist auch extrem schmoov… danke für info

  23. @ robak,

    59:00 = Ricardo Villalobos – alcacofa tools – a) back to back – playhouse 82
    01:21 = Oliver Hacke – auschnitt ep – a) egoscope – trapez 12

    great taste! cheers.

  24. moin anton,
    wie steht’s mit bookings bei dir? über wen läuft das, bzw machst du das selber? mail doch mal an

  25. the track at 2:00??? LOVE this set! one of the best in the lounge hands down!

  26. yo alder,
    richtig guttes ding.

  27. This mix is one of the best I`ve heard. I mean it.

    I would like to know the list of the the artists present on this mix.

    My deap respects to M. Silba…

  28. I remember listening to an earlier set of Anton’s, is it still around? Really good stuff Mate..

    sla73 from sydney..

  29. hey Anton or somebody else,

    I\’m looking for the track at 01h11m…pls??

    This is for me the set that drew me back to minimal – fucking brilliant! I\’ve discovered Oliver Hacke and some amazing villalobos trax thx to this mix …

    here\’s a mix inspired on this one:


  30. Thank you for this! 02:18:15 is veryyy nice.

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