This is it. The gateway to countless hours of dope packed audio and video.

Cutex, E-Z Iron C


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Dj Cutex


  1. not into this one.. not bad. not real good.

  2. Respectfully disagree – totally feeling this one –

  3. Complete agree with thee about the un b4 thee – Getto Style DJ!! This set is the honest cure for the world to watch you die…

  4. yeah…nice…smooth…feeling the music…feeling the sunshine…liking the hop hop. good show!

  5. croozin until just before the 3 hour mark.. whoa! shit goes ballistic.. my bowels loosened and i couldnt help but run around madly with my somewhat embarresingly soiled pants.. although that was good.. this set was better than a loose stool on a sunday after a piss up.. much props for the bowel loosening betacrue..

  6. great so far, track at 1:18 is no question beautiful. really appreciate the diversity

  7. lovely music – perfect for good vibes at work! does anybody know artist/ titel from the galactic tune around 0:36:00 (me and a mafia…) thx for ya help!

  8. does anybody know the track at 1:27:00 (E -Z Iron C set)?

  9. I like the sound very much but why did they use a software-mixer? I don’t like this grainalyzing-shity quality!!! Take care to music!!!

  10. Oh, oh!? Seems to be my stream – I’m sorry for the comment before!!!

  11. except for removing pass the dutchie from the playlist, this 7 HOUR set is a gift. gotta sample 4:40

  12. Cutex aight!

  13. the track at 1,27 is mary j. blige- bootleg pressing dunnudinameoffisong. excuse some of my skechy fingers-i was kinda nervous cause all of u was watchin. if u got ? tell me ! yours-E-Z IRON C. 4 L

  14. damn good musak here! lovin the old school rap. who is the artist around 5:44:21? that vocoder is hittin my ears just right. awe yea!

  15. good fuckin mix of olllldddd skkkoooollll hip hop and it just dont stop tha body roooccckkkk! All tha graaffffittti writers stay up and keep tha fat cap justice alive and well!

  16. wooooooooooooohooooooo damn nice mix chilled , kicking , just some for everyone just listening and cant do nothing else 🙂

  17. tjchecker, …. Must be sum hip-hop/dub remix from a very old reggea song (1975) Lloyd Parks: Mafia (Me a Maffia, I’m anna maffia …) Very nice one indeed. Keep it up. BOOOoooOOOooinGGgg

  18. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Baby is pourin’ da wine, so fine, dis is da deal fo real, make me wanna spliff it up royal! Howzit BetaLounge so ripped alla da time? Cooo!

  20. smooth….yeah.. luvin it . beta lounge, you never run out of good music. bravo

  21. Hairy one says it best: how is beta lounge ripped all the time? Damn this shit is good! I spend my days enjoying this stuff in the background while doing my thing at work…all the while wondering to myself I’ve got to crank this mutha…

  22. slick rick and biz markie at 3:49:00. ummm.

  23. schön dein sett mal auf Betalounge zu hören always dope stuff Greets from marc aus der max brauer allee 2 😉

  24. Too damn good!! Nice to hear such dope hip-hop again! Dope def one to blaze too 🙂

  25. another banger,,,,,, word ta da mother,, Golden Era stickly . lite it up.yall new website, peep

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